Motorcycle Accidents
Riding motorcycles is a beloved hobby for millions throughout the country. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle comes with significant risks, so it’s important to always drive carefully. A lot of motorcyclists can become complacent, which puts them and other road users in danger, as 5,014 motorcyclists died in accidents in 2019.
Therefore it’s important to know how to ride safely and what things to avoid while on the road. In this article, we’ll share seven tips on how to avoid motorcycle accidents and keep yourself safe. Plus, by following these tips, you’ll be a more confident rider.
1. Keep Your Motorcycle in Great Condition
Before you even attempt to ride on the road, it’s important to assess your motorcycle. If your bike has signs of damage or isn’t operating properly, you put yourself at risk by riding it. This is not just in terms of injuries but leaving yourself stranded if you broke down. You should look for the following before going on your journey:
- Flat or damaged tires
- Broken or faulty lights
- Signs of leaks
- Engine problems
If you notice any of these, then you should get them fixed immediately. It’s also important to remember to get your motorcycle serviced regularly. This will help prevent issues from occurring and keep it running efficiently.
2. Always Wear a Helmet
Helmets are so important that they could be the difference between serious or minor injuries if you are ever in an accident. In addition to it being a legal requirement, wearing a helmet can also save your life.
Helmets can also protect you in other ways such as from flying debris or insects going in your eyes. If you’re riding at a high speed and a bug hits you in the face, it can easily cause you to crash. It’s important to note that you should never buy a used helmet. They could be damaged and not meet the required safety standards.
3. Wear the Correct Clothing
Just like wearing a helmet, it’s important to wear suitable motorcycle gear while riding. Motorcycle jackets, pants, gloves, and boots give you that added protection. In addition, they help shield you from unfavorable weather conditions.
Riding in cold weather or in the rain is uncomfortable and increases your risk of crashing. Whereas, wearing suitable gear will keep you warm and dry.
4. Follow Speed Limits
Motorcyclists have a bad reputation as being speed junkies. Many riders like to let loose on the roads but this just puts them and other drivers in danger. Speed limits are implemented to keep road users safe and should always be followed. It’s against the law to break the speed limit and if you’re caught, you could face a fine or worse. So, ensure you always know what the speed limit is and stick to it.
5. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
This may sound like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many road users get distracted. In fact, this is a big factor in many crashes, some of which are fatal. People get distracted for all sorts of reasons such as:
- Tiredness from inadequate rest
- Boredom
- Complacency and not remaining alert
- Neighboring drivers or pedestrians
But, when you’re riding your bike, you need to stay alert at all times. Things can soon change in front of you, so you need to be able to react. The best riders are those who can spot danger in advance and act accordingly. It’s also important to remember that you should take a break if you start and feel tired. Drink some strong black coffee or take a nap.
6. Don’t Drink and Ride
It’s essential that you never ride your motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Both of these affect concentration and reaction times. In fact, many accidents happen each year due to riders being intoxicated.
A big reason why people do drink and drive is that alcohol causes a sense of false confidence. This results in them believing they’re ok, which can often end in disaster. Riding while under the influence is illegal, and you will face severe legal consequences if you’re caught such as a fine or even a prison sentence.
7. Avoid Riding in Bad Weather
Driving any vehicle in poor weather conditions is dangerous, especially motorcycles. Heavy rain and high winds make riding motorcycles very difficult and can easily end in disaster. A smart motorcycle rider will never hit the roads if the weather conditions are poor. They’ll also be aware of the weather forecast in case things are set to change. Poor weather may be an inconvenience to you, but it’s not worth the risk. So, if you’re ever unsure whether to ride, then it’s best not to.
How to Reduce Your Risk of Motorcycle Accidents
There are many ways you can avoid motorcycle accidents and stay safe on the roads. Follow each tip to stay safer on the road and prevent an accident. If you have been involved in a traffic accident and need legal advice or representation, contact Alpha Accident Lawyers. We offer a free case evaluation and can assist you with your accident inquiries.