Truck Accident Lawyers
Were you recently involved in a truck accident? Not sure what to do next?
Because these accidents can often be complex and involve many moving parts, it may be in your best interest to seek help from a trusted personal injury attorney. Here are 6 factors to consider when looking for the right truck accident lawyers.
1. Experience
When hiring a truck accident lawyer, experience in the field is a huge thing to consider. You don’t want to hire an attorney who’s never worked a truck accident case before or has not worked many.
Ideally, you want to work with someone who has worked on hundreds of these cases over the years. It’s very important that someone who considers themself a “truck accident lawyer” has a history of working with insurance companies for these types of accidents.
This is why, when searching for such a lawyer, we advise choosing someone with at least two years of professional experience. This experience should involve a good deal of success and should revolve primarily around truck accident cases.
2. A Successful History
Just because a lawyer has been involved in many truck accident cases doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is good at winning these cases. As such, you can’t let experience be the only barometer.
You must also ensure that the lawyer has a winning success rate. If a lawyer has come out unsuccessful on a large portion of his or her cases, there’s no reason to expect that the outcome of your case will be favorable.
Ask about each lawyer’s track record and assess whether he or she sounds like a good bet for you. You might also attempt looking up cases that he or she has tried, just to see what the final judgment or settlement was. If you can’t find any information on a lawyer’s history, it’s probably best to pass that firm up.
3. Proper Specialization as a Truck Accident Lawyer
Lawyers specialize in a wide variety of fields, from divorce to estate planning to defense and more. So, as you might expect, there are lawyers who specialize in auto accidents, and, even more, defined, truck accidents.
You shouldn’t waste any time speaking with a lawyer who specializes in a completely unrelated field. For instance, there’s no use in talking to a divorce lawyer about a truck accident you were in. He or she might have an idea as to what that type of law entails but is not prepared to practice it in a real-world setting.
You need to focus on auto accident lawyers with truck accident lawyers being your main targets. They’re the ones who have tried your type of case before and are, therefore, the ones that understand it the best.
4. Personal Connection
You don’t need to be best friends with your truck accident lawyer. However, you do need to feel some sort of connection with them.
Why? Because if you don’t have a personal connection with your attorney, you won’t feel comfortable. And if you don’t feel comfortable, you might have trouble being honest about the situation at hand.
Not to mention, you’re going to be spending a reasonable amount of time with this individual. So, you don’t want to dread the correspondences. How do you get a feel for each lawyer? Give them a call and arrange a consultation. Most lawyers provide these for free.
While at the consultation, gauge the conversation and determine whether you feel comfortable. Ask questions as well, as you’ll want to see how he or she answers them.
5. Work Style
Another thing you’ll want to consider when browsing options for truck accident lawyers are work style. Each lawyer works a little differently, and some work much differently than others.
One of the most important things to decide on this front is whether you want a lawyer who will handle your case entirely or a lawyer who will pass parts of your case off to assistants. Both options can be successful but you might feel more comfortable with one over the other.
You should also think about the frequency of correspondence. Some lawyers will speak with their clients daily; others will speak with them every week or so. Again, you might have a preference. Make sure to ask plenty of questions about work style during the consultation. You want a lawyer whose work habits align with yours, as you will, indeed, be working together on this case.
6. Cost
Perhaps the most important thing to consider is cost. After all, not all lawyers charge the same rates. In fact, their rates can vary wildly, with some charging as little as $75 an hour and others charging up to $500 an hour. It’s generally the case that the most successful lawyers charge the most money. However, it’s still possible to find a quality lawyer at a reasonable price.
As such, what you should do is establish a budget, see what you can pay, and call around to different lawyers asking what they charge. There are some lawyers who you’ll have to write off instantly (because their rates are too high). But there are a variety of other lawyers whose rates will, indeed, accommodate your bank account.
Note, if a truck accident lawyer is charging much less than the others, he or she is probably lacking in experience or skill, or both. At the very least, hire a lawyer who charges the average in your area.
Are You Searching for Truck Accident Lawyers?
Are you still searching for truck accident lawyers? If so, you should give a call to the lawyers here with Alpha Accident Lawyers. We’ve guided clients through a number of truck accident cases, helping to defend them and win settlements. Regardless of the nature of your accident, we can assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation.